Sara's Story
Sara, her sister Lindsey, my sister Stephanie, and I all grew up loving tattoos—and that is obvious with Sara having four, Lindsey (featured in my post on March 11) and I each having two, and Stephanie planning to get her first in a few months. So since I have already shared my and Lindsey’s stories, I figured it is now time to tell you Sara’s!
Though the four of us girls started drawing temporary tattoos on one another from an early age, Sara really knew she wanted a tattoo when she was in high school. She says a lot of this decision came from her exposure to tattoos with her brother and guys in the fire department she served in. But she knew she had to wait until she was out of the house and able to pay for her tattoos on her own.
So, while down in Pensacola, Florida, for training, she got her first tattoo, an extensive piece on her side with flowers representing each one of her family members. The first sitting for the tattoo took two and a half hours, then she went back the next day for color and shading which took another two and a half hours—hardcore for a first tattoo! She says that this tattoo means everything to her because it represents her family, so it is her favorite by far.
Sara's hip tattoo...
...Lindsey's hip tattoo!
Likewise, her third tattoo is for another family member that had a significant influence on her—her grandmother. Sara’s grandmother gave her a cross necklace when she was younger. And after breaking the chain six or seven times, Sara decided to put the pendant on her dog tags. Then about a year ago, she put the replica of that cross in permanent ink! Along with the tattoo being special, Sara says that she also really enjoyed the experience of getting this tattoo; first, it was in her/our hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania, and, second, because the artist she went to had also served in the U.S. Navy in Japan, so they had lots to talk about.
Lastly, her fourth tattoo is also for someone—her fiancé, James. They decided that though they wanted tattoos together, they wanted to get something silly, not so serious yet. So, because they were stationed in Japan together at the time, they got Digimon characters, with Sara’s character being the mate of the one James has on his arm.
Along with the four she already has, Sara says she does have at least two tattoos in the works! One tattoo she is thinking of is a scorpion with swirled lines in the background, because James’ sign is Scorpio and Sara’s is Aquarius. Secondly, she is hoping to get her rate in the Navy—a pair of wings with a parachute coming up from it. As of now, all her tattoos have come from different tattoo shops, and she is thinking about continuing that trend because she says it is pretty cool.
I hope you all enjoyed those stories behind the ink. I would love to hear what you think in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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